ሴላ አሰላስሎት

ለምን? • Why? | Genaye Eshetu | አሰላስሎት ፲፪

ለምን ብለን አምላካችንን በተለያየ ጊዜ ጠይቀነው ልናውቅ እንችላለን። ሁሌም ግን መልሱን ላናገኘው እንችላለን። ያኔ ስለ 'ለምን' ጥያቄያችን ምን እናረጋለን? ገናዬ ስለዚህ ጥቂት ትለናለች።  

We may have asked God the question "why" on various occasions. However, His answer may not always be readily available. What do we do with our 'why' then? Genaye reflects on this today. 


Serving Ethiopian women by encouraging and exemplifying vulnerable, thought-provoking conversations around the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the mission of the
Church, and the life of a Christian.

Golagul Tower
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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