መጠኑ ቢለያይም ሁላችንም ገንዘብ ለማግኘት እና ሀብት ለመሰብሰብ እንፈልጋለን። ክርስቲያኖች ያከማቹትን ወይም ሊያከማቹ የሚሹትን ሀብት ማየት ያለባቸው እንዴት ነው?
Though the extent may vary, we all seek to make money and accumulate wealth. How should Christians be seeing their accumulated wealth?
መጠኑ ቢለያይም ሁላችንም ገንዘብ ለማግኘት እና ሀብት ለመሰብሰብ እንፈልጋለን። ክርስቲያኖች ያከማቹትን ወይም ሊያከማቹ የሚሹትን ሀብት ማየት ያለባቸው እንዴት ነው?
Though the extent may vary, we all seek to make money and accumulate wealth. How should Christians be seeing their accumulated wealth?
Serving Ethiopian women by encouraging and exemplifying vulnerable, thought-provoking conversations around the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the mission of the
Church, and the life of a Christian.
Golagul Tower
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Email: info@selahethiopia.org