ሴላ አሰላስሎት

እግዚአብሔር አባቴ • God, the Father - Mihret Abraham | አሰላስሎት ፰

ከተለያየ የህይወት ጎዳና ስንመጣ የተሸከምናቸው ጠባሳዎች እና መጥፎ ትዝታዎች ስለ እግዚአብሔር  ያለንን አመለካከት ሊለውጡብን ይችላሉ። ምህረት ዛሬ በአባታቸው ልባቸው ለተሰበረ ከልብ የሆነ መልክት አላት። 

We may come from different walks of life with experiences that affect the way we see and interact with God. In today's Selah Focus, Mihret has a heartfelt message for those whose hearts have been broken by their fathers. 


Serving Ethiopian women by encouraging and exemplifying vulnerable, thought-provoking conversations around the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the mission of the
Church, and the life of a Christian.

Golagul Tower
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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