ሴላ አሰላስሎት

ያለኝ ይበቃኛል • Contentment and Gratitude | Ruth Chala | አሰላስሎት ፵፪

የምንኖረው ቀጣዩን ምርጥ ነገር ማሳደድ እንደ በጎነት በሚቆጠርበት ዓለም ውስጥ ነው። ምንም እንኳን የእግዚአብሔር ቃል ትጉ እና ታታሪ እንድንሆን ቢያበረታታም ስለ እርካታ እና ባለንበት ቦታ አመስጋኝ መሆንን በተመለከተ ብዙ ይናገራል። በዚህ ዙሪያ ሩት ሃሳቧን ታካፍለናለች።

We live in a world where chasing the next best thing is considered a virtue. Although the Word of God encourages us to be diligent and hard workers, it also says a lot about contentment and about having gratitude exactly where we are. Ruth shares with us here thoughts on this.


Serving Ethiopian women by encouraging and exemplifying vulnerable, thought-provoking conversations around the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the mission of the
Church, and the life of a Christian.

Golagul Tower
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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